Patriot Mail Project
The History of the Patriot Mail Project (PMP)
The PMP was created in 2016, the protesters at the Malheur National Wildlife in Oregon and from the 2014 standoff that took place at the Bundy Ranch were all rounded up and taken into custody. This was not long after the murder of LaVoy Finicum by state and federal authorities.
The events that took place around LaVoys death brought an entire Country of Patriots together. We were united with one common goal. Two ladies from Facebook got together and created the group Patriot Mail Project. Members who joined were assigned a list of these Political Prisoners to write to in a rotation. Something happened early on, there were rumors they were visited by an alphabet agent but I can't be sure that is true as I was not involved in the admin team at that time. I am going to research back and find their names, they deserve credit for the creation of this amazing Project.
For over 2 years the PMP grew, it began to take on a life of its own. It was the most fulfilling Patriotic commitment I have ever made. Seeing so many people come together as we each lived through these horrific two years, we formed long lasting friendships and bonds with liked minded Patriots from everywhere. We shared sadness during the hard times and we also experienced joy together as our P3s were being released.
All but 3 were home and the PMP slowed down and life happened. Many of us have kept in contact but with the craziness of FB and the censorship the group really layed dormant until earlier this year.
I received a call from Pete Santilli, he was one of our P3s from before (The Pete Santilli Show). He called to ask about the PMP and began to tell me about the guys who were sitting in cells now for being at the Capitol on Jan 6. I had heard about the arrests but it had not sank in that these guys were being held for trial just like the ones before. It was time to bring the PMP back to life.
Thankfully those that were left in the FB group jumped right in and started writing. But FB was not the same as it had been and we were not growing like we did then. To try to spread across different platforms I decided to create a website so that the addresses could be easily updated for all of the writers. I created a page on telegram and through telegram I met an amazing lady named Marie Goodwyn who is also the mother of one of the J6 Defendants, she jumped right in and has done an incredible job. She has been a great encouragement to get people to send letters and has been a great encouragement to me as well. She is hard working and very talented and I cant thank her enough for what she has done for PMP.
Through the dedicated writers and hard work from Marie the PMP has sent thousands of letters and postcards. The PO Box here is never empty and the support has been amazing.
I also want to address the SCM Disaster Relief Inc / SCM role in the PMP. I have been a member and officer of the SCM since it's start in 2009. This is a small local group and we are very active in our community. We formed the non profit SCM Disaster Relief Inc when we started helping in hurricane damaged areas. We would take in donations in our town and deliver to the areas in need and cook meals for them. We also help locally when their is a family with a true unforseen event that has caused them to go without. We adopt local children through the Sheriff's Department for Christmas and we also educate others about the Constitution and importance of the 2A. We also organize a yearly event, The Patriot Network Summitt. Our members range from 21 to 79, we are electricians, business owners, retirees, housewives and come from all backgrounds. We are a close group and we serve our Community first and foremost but we also know we have a commitment to our Country to do what is right. The SCM has been very supportive of my passion for the PMP and has allowed me to operate under their umbrella when needed. Many of the members are also writers and several of the ladies help me process the mail and more. We are a transparent group with support from our local law enforcement agencies and our community far and near.
So from each writer across the Country to Marie in Texas and to the local SCM and by the help and patience of my wonderful husband we have a great thing here in the PMP.
Thank you all! Please write as often as you can and encourage others to join us.
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November 15, 2021
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